Monday, May 31, 2021

Reasons why abortion should be legal essay

Reasons why abortion should be legal essay

reasons why abortion should be legal essay

 · But abortion should be legalized for reasons, such as a person’s financial stability, relationship stabilty and fetal defects. Women should be given the right, to detemine whether or not they are prepared for motherhood or not, due to countless debateable reasons  · Having a child resulting from the mother being rape causes many metal problems for the mother as the birth of the child could be a remembrance of what happen. Incest is sexual intercourse between people who are of blood relations this is one of the reasons why abortion should be blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins  · Top 10 Reasons Abortion Should Be Legal 10 “My Body, My Choice” – Women have the right to choose what to do with their body.. Every person has an inherent and 9 Personhood begins when a fetus is viable.. Now that we have established the right of Reviews: 32

Why Should Abortion Should Be Legalized? Essay - Words

Abortion is one of the hottest topics debated in the world today, reasons why abortion should be legal essay. By definition, an abortion is the conclusion of a pregnancy through the removal of the fetus from the womb, which directly results in its death. There are many reasons why this can happen, ranging from spontaneous occurrences miscarriages and pregnancy complications to intentional termination.

Naturally, as with anything that deals with life, abortion is a sensitive subject. Inreasons why abortion should be legal essay, the U. To reasons why abortion should be legal essay day, the debate over its validity as a practice encompasses arguments ranging from practical, moral, medical to religious aspects. The debate concerning the validity of abortion has two main sides, namely the pro-choice camp, which believes in the validity of an abortion, and the pro-life camp, which defends the right of the unborn and seeks to establish the invalidity of choice in an abortion.

Every person has an inherent and undeniable right over their own bodies, and as such, it is their choice to do with it as they please. While we all have this inalienable right of choice, we also have to be responsible for the consequences of those choices. If we allow our inherent rights to be limited, we find ourselves on a very slippery slope.

The suppression of this right may begin with abortion, but where will it end? Inherent rights are by nature, natural and unquestionable, and should be left unchallenged. The infrastructure around us is designed to support and protect the rights of citizens. Hospitals do not tell you what to do with your body or act without your consent; they suggest courses of action based on medical practice and inform you of the consequences of each.

Schools do not tell you what to study, but they provide a foundational base of learning to equip you with the tools in your desired profession. These prove that our society operates on the foundation of natural human rights. It is her natural right regardless of whether anyone approves or disapproves of the outcome, to make that choice, reasons why abortion should be legal essay.

In the same way, it is your right, regardless of whether or not I reasons why abortion should be legal essay or agree with you, to form your own opinions about these arguments. In the end, reasons why abortion should be legal essay, we must remember that we live lives of dignity because our choices are protected by a society that recognizes our inalienable rights.

Many pro-life standpoints argue that when a woman chooses to have an abortion, she is committing the crime of restricting the right of the fetus over its own body.

While this does sound compellingly correct, it has a few grey areas. The natural right to choose what to do with your body is tied to your personhood, a concept that is not absolutely black and white. A fetus under 24 weeks old is incapable of self-determination, because it has not properly developed the necessary organs or systems to make this possible yet.

This is different from saying that a fetus under 24 weeks is not alive. Life begins at conception, but personhood begins at self-determination. The embryo is considered the potential to be a person if the pregnancy is carried to full-term. If we considered it a person, then our birthdates would be upon conception, and artificial insemination, which involves numerous fertilized eggs thrown away, would be reasons why abortion should be legal essay Plain and simple, a fetus under 24 weeks is not independent or self-determining, as it is reliant on the woman for survival.

While most arguments highlight abortion as the termination reasons why abortion should be legal essay life, they tend to be argued strictly focusing on the life of the unborn child. As with everything, there are elements around a pregnancy that can lead to complications for the woman. Not all women are reasons why abortion should be legal essay the gift of complication free pregnancies. To deny a woman the option to abort a pregnancy when her own life is at risk is akin to forcing her to play Russian roulette.

No person, regardless of gender, should be denied the right to fight for his reasons why abortion should be legal essay her own life. Societies and laws are built around this very framework. What if a doctor was faced with a situation where the fetus was not viable and if it were not aborted, the mother would die? While the decision will always be difficult, the decision is not ours to make, and as such we have no right to deny someone his or her own choice.

One of the most defining movements in the past century is that reasons why abortion should be legal essay gender equality. Like most social movements, gender equality arguments have foundations linked to equally serious issues of racial or social equality. Fundamentally, the argument is sound; society should not discriminate a person on an element for which he had no control over, and one cannot choose to be a man or woman, their race, or their social status.

Each person has the fundamental right to life and all that it entails. Gender does have certain aspects that make the pursuit of a happy life different for each side, this we cannot deny. Because women are the childbearing gender, this presents certain challenges. While each challenge bears its own weightthe financial challenge is probably the most consistently felt and has the most clearly visible effect. Equality as a concept means that every person has the right, without restriction, to pursue the same things whatever they may be.

A woman cannot sincerely be considered to have equal standing in society if she does not at least have the choice to remove the challenges that will come with a pregnancy. Many corporations have faced criticism because women face much discrimination simply due to the fact that they bear children. Their likelihood of going on leave is higher due to this biological fact, but it is not right for companies to avoid hiring them just because of this.

If we want to be able to say that we have no gender biases or gender discrimination, and man and woman have equal rights to pursue the life that they choose to pursue, women must have a choice. They must not have to deal with challenges but instead be given responsibilities upon choosing to become a mother. The choice to become a mother must in the very least be given to the woman. By failing to freely provide this, society also fails to support their fundamental rights, not as women, but as people.

These numbers simply prove that the situations surrounding pregnancies are not limited to happy families who have planned and intentionally tried to have reasons why abortion should be legal essay. A large percentage is in fact unplanned for.

Naturally, a woman or couple who face the situation of an unplanned pregnancy may not have the right circumstances to raise a child properly. Some cases even show that they are unable to financially or medically see the pregnancy to its full term. Prior to the recognition of this procedure and the modernization of medicine, back-alley abortions used to be via coat hangers, illegal or unregulated pharmaceutical products, knitting needles or a punch to the stomach.

If there is no legal, viable alternative, this percentage of couples or mothers will inevitably have to resort to these back-alley operations, which are highly dangerous.

Statistics estimate that the risk of death from an abortion is 0. The risk of death from childbirth is 14 times higher, at 8. Advancements in the medical field have dramatically reduced complications from abortion, studies show that it is actually safer than carrying a pregnancy to full term, reasons why abortion should be legal essay.

It is estimated that in illegal abortions resulted in 39 maternal deaths, which occurred before abortion was legal. Inafter it was legalized in the United States, the number went down to 2. World Health Organization statistics estimate that in these back alley abortions caused an estimated 68, deaths globally.

The state has a duty to protect its citizens; sometimes, protecting its citizens does not involve fighting wars but providing the infrastructure to safely conduct sound medical procedures. Circumstantially, not every pregnancy is a bed of roses. Many have complications; some fetuses have severe disorders that can cause the child to live a very difficult and painful life. Some disorders can be reasons why abortion should be legal essay severe that death is guaranteed after a brief and painful life.

Anencephaly, for example is a disorder where the brain is missing. Limb-body wall complexa disorder where organs grow outside of the body, is equally as horrific, and yet it occurs. No weight of society or majority moral opinion of philosophers, religious or even state leaders have the right to decide for her. To deny her a safe option to exercise that right is to deny her of that right in itself.

Remember, the consequences of pregnancy do not just end in childbirth. All the risks she faces are multiplied a hundred fold, and the child must face them as well. If the woman has health risks, the child must suffer through the pain.

There are some cases where the odds for both mother and child are bleak, and this is when choice becomes a critical factor. If we remove this ability to choose, it may mean a life sentence for both of them. Having and raising a child is a significant decision. Ideally it involves proper preparation and planning.

However as we have seen, this is not always the case with pregnancies. There still exists a significant amount of unwanted pregnancies, significant enough to merit high numbers of abortions in countries where it is legal, and high amounts of illegal abortions where it is illegal. This shows that unwanted pregnancies are an inescapable element of our society. Any form of anti-abortion law would then simply be impossible to completely enforce.

Those that do not have the economic capability or the desire to see a pregnancy to its full term and raise a child will continue to seek illegal abortions long after it has been made illegal.

Because of the risks of illegal abortions, the difference will be greatly felt in the mortality rate. These are productive lives; lives with potential denied their fulfillment because society tries to enforce something unenforceable.

If anti-abortion laws are implemented, they may simply increase the number of poorly done abortions, and likewise increase the number of deaths. Studies show that fetuses do not feel pain when abortions are performed. Neuroscientists argue that because a cortex is critical for feeling pain, and the cortex is not yet functional when most abortions are performed, the fetus does not feel any pain.

What is often mistaken for pain reactions is believed to be simply reflexes as the cortex only becomes functional on the 26th week of pregnancy. For healthy pregnancies, this makes abortion a humane option for whatever the reasons the mother may choose to undergo an abortion. This is especially true in the cases where the fetus will suffer greatly it is brought to full term.

Finally, most proponents of pro-life will argue based on issues of morality or ethics. True, terminating life will always be morally wrong even if it can be argued valid. The issue with abortion is not a moral one, however. If it were, then wars and various elements of the criminal justice system and state security laws should be made illegal as well.

And yet, these things are constantly present in the modern world as they have been historically, reasons why abortion should be legal essay, because they account for circumstances that validate an act that may be morally wrong. Abortion is a prime example of this. It cannot be rejected simply because it is morally wrong, instead it must be viewed as an option that mitigates circumstantial risks, preserves life, and provides a humane way to end guaranteed suffering.

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Northern Ireland's abortion laws: ‘Women deserve the choice’

, time: 7:18

Abortion Should Be Legal Essay - Words | Bartleby

reasons why abortion should be legal essay

 · Top 10 Reasons Abortion Should Be Legal 10 “My Body, My Choice” – Women have the right to choose what to do with their body.. Every person has an inherent and 9 Personhood begins when a fetus is viable.. Now that we have established the right of Reviews: 32 There are several reasons that cause for abortions to be legal such as; unwanted pregnancy, sexual abuse, pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, birth control or contraceptive failure and to prevent the birth of a child born with birth defects or severe medical conditions that could endanger the child’s blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins  · Having a child resulting from the mother being rape causes many metal problems for the mother as the birth of the child could be a remembrance of what happen. Incest is sexual intercourse between people who are of blood relations this is one of the reasons why abortion should be blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

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