Monday, May 31, 2021

The history of computers essay

The history of computers essay

the history of computers essay

SAMPLE ESSAY ABOUT COMPUTERS This history of computers is frequently said as the past of objects, from this abacus to the Babbage motor up through the code-breaking machines of world war 2. As a matter of fact, it is best understood as the history of ideas, primarily ideas that emerged from science philosophy, the unclear and cult-like subject that first evolved in the nineteenth century History of Computers One could say that the history of the computer started with the abacus, a wooden frame holding two wires with beads strung on them. The beads were moved around, and the abacus was used to solve arithmetic problems. Blaise Pascal built the first digital computer in , which added numbers that were entered with dials Computer History The computer's history was started from a very long time ago about years which at the birth of the abacus that made by wooden rack holding two horizontal wire beads string on them. The abacus made an idea for created a computer. Blaise Pascal was the one the credit for building the first digital computer

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Computers have been through lot of changes throughout the past half-century. They also affect our society in many different ways today. The following paper describes how the computers have changed from to present. DuringIntel came out with a chip, which was the best selling semiconductor memory chip in the world, the history of computers essay. The chip was called Intel and it was first DRAM, dynamic Random Access Memory chip. Robet H. The history of computers essay developed it.

His team and him had been working on it since The engineers needed to build a new type of chip for a calculator in So, the history of computers essay, they came out with a chip called Intel It was the first single chip general-purpose microprocessor built bye Intel.

The chip was 4-bit and ran at a rate of kHz and it also contained transistors. The chip dealt with up to 1 Kb of program memory and up to 4 Kb of data memory. InIBM came out with the first hard disk drive. The hard disk used two 30 Mb platters. It was the first operating system to run on machines.

InMITS Altair the history of computers essay the first personal computer to get attention by a lot of people. The MITS included bytes of memory, toggle switches and an LED panel. Apple II was the beginning of the personal computers. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak developed the Apple II in It had a built in keyboard, the history of computers essay, graphics display and BASIC built in ROM. It was based on the MOS processor. It contained three 8-bit registers and an 8-bit stack pointer.

It was one of the first personal computers that were useful to people and a new age of technology. InIBM came out with a PC. It was the first PC that surprised the world with its features and speed.

It was a bit processor, which contained 8 registers and unique segmented bit memory architecture capable of addressing 1 Mb of memory. It ran at a speed of 4. Ina new computer came into the market with new technology and became very popular. The Commodore had a 64 Kb of RAM and it was also the first personal computer with an audio synthesizer chip. Init came out with a portable version knows as the SX It was the the history of computers essay color portable computer.

It was based on the MOS and it also had fast color graphics, the history of computers essay. The Commodore was a cheap computer for the features it had and people the history of computers essay around the world bought it.

Later inApple came out with a new computer called the Macintosh. It had Kb of RAM, it also had a 3. It was a bit processor and it also contained 60, transistors and had 16 registers. It came with a lot more ram or Kb and new floppy disks drives which could hold up to 1. It was first color computer by Macintosh. The color was 8 bit deep and it was also available in bit. The graphics of the Macintosh II inspired Adobe to make a photo editing software called Photoshop.

The screen resolution went up to x and it had RAM of 64 Mb. It had a Motorola processor with FPU. The Macintosh II was not a popular computer, customers complained about the price being too high. After Steve Jobs left Apple he came up with his own computers knows as the NeXT, the history of computers essay, which was released in It had a Motorola processor; 8 Mb of RAM a built in DSP, digital signal processor and the first commercial magneto optical drive, which has Mb capacity.

The NeXT had some faults to it. So it was so expensive for the consumers to by it and the use of wrong type of language. InIntel Pentium Processor began developing and went through the industry faster than any of the previous processors by Intel. InApple introduced a new computer known as the The history of computers essay Macintosh. The new Power Macintosh had 60 MHz PowerPC processor.

It also included 8 Mb of RAM, bit x graphics, bit stereo, Mb hard disk, a CD-ROM drive and a built in Ethernet. On August 24Microsoft came out with Windows Which became very popular and it was affordable for many of the families. It had full networking support; it included tolls for accessing the Internet. The operating system was bit, which helped in improving the performance of the computer.

Windows 95 were being advertised everywhere. They were being advertised on TV, radio, newspaper, the history of computers essay, magazines, billboards and many other places, the history of computers essay. The PC industry became very popular when Windows 95 was releases because it was affordable and easy to use. It was MHz and about 64 MB of RAM.

The hard drive space also went up a lot to GB. Which was a big improvement from the previous computers. Today the computers are extremely fast. It has reached the history of computers essay speed of 3. The prices for all the computers today are really cheap and most of the people can afford it. Almost everyone has a personal computer in their house or their business.

Computers run most of the machines being run today. For example, the computers are controlling the touch free car washes, like when to stop a certain thing and when to start it. So the computers are dominating a lot of things these days.

Therefore, computers have changed a lot during the past century. They went from KHz to 3. That is a huge change during the past half century. Computers are going to get really advanced and really fast in the future. It is going to keep growing in the future.

So the computers play a huge role today in our society all over the world. Writing Guide, the history of computers essay. Any type Analytical Essay Argumentative Essay Deductive Essay Expository Essay Response Essay Informative Essay Compare and Contrast Essay Composition Essay Evaluation Essay Cause and Effect Essay Definition Essay Research Essay Classification Essay.

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The History of Computing

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FREE History of Computers Essay

the history of computers essay

Stuck on your essay? Browse essays about History of Computers and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin’s suite of essay help services History of Computers One could say that the history of the computer started with the abacus, a wooden frame holding two wires with beads strung on them. The beads were moved around, and the abacus was used to solve arithmetic problems. Blaise Pascal built the first digital computer in , which added numbers that were entered with dials Essay about The History of Computers. Words6 Pages. The first ever computer was invented in the s by Charlse Babbage. However the first electronic digital computer were developed between and in the United States and in the United Kingdom. They were gigantic, originally the size of a large room, and also need to be supply a large amount of power source which is equivalent as several hundred modern personal computers

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