Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on college library

Essay on college library

essay on college library

 · 1. Allocating sufficient grant to each college library to purchase sufficient number of books. 2. Each library must have text books in addition to reference and other books. 3. Each college library must be govern by a librarian of minimum lecturer grade and is assisted by a person with degree in library science and some with certificate courses. blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins words short essay on College Library. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: An educational institution without a library is just a house without a kitchen. – When students read in hi classes, their desire for knowledge increases. Desire knowledge is best satisfied when the students enter a room of books. In college libraries, there are rich varieties of journals and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins  · Descriptive Essay about Library I had just made a step into the library through the unfamiliar large doors. I made my first step in and looked around I saw many diverse groups of students sitting others studying/5(25)

COLLEGE LIBRARY AT A GLANCE | Education essays | Free Essay Examples for Students

This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. COLLEGE LIBRARY AT A GLANCE 3. The terms growth means quantitative change, where as development includes quantitative as well as qualitative changes. Education is the backbone of development. The continuous process of education is based on students, parents, teachers, various media and more importantly books.

There is need of books on essay on college library large numbers of subjects and equally large number of specialization. The continuous research in all areas gives rise to birth of many books.

The students, teacher, researchers and many others are in need of information related to specific issue in short duration of time. Therefore, it leads to collect, preserve, manage, update and disseminate the information through libraries. A library contributes significantly in systematic and scientific management of essay on college library. The present chapter includes the discussion on the concept and definition of education as well as library.

It also takes into account the expansion of higher education in India. The rapid technology changes have also affected to expectation of society. The issues related to modern society and higher education have been discussed in this chapter. Keeping library as a center point, various national polices on development of libraries, essay on college library, information systems and services are also overviewed.

For the development of libraries efforts has been made at central, state and other levels. As a part of these efforts, various commissions and committees have been established in India. They take into consideration the present scenario of libraries and gave recommendation for future development. By the act of central government, central statutory body namely AICTE has been established for the implementation of various academics programmes.

The college library situation is also discussed, as the present study is based on Management College libraries affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. So far many academicians and researchers have pointed out various problems and challenges in library administration leading of automation.

For the sake of automation library management software plays the important role at the back end. A large number of library software are also available in the market.

The chapter includes exploratory discussion essay on college library evaluation of this software.

The progressive change can be observed in terms of physiological, emotional and intellectual. The word education is derived by two ways- 1. Educare- To rear, essay on college library, to nourish, essay on college library, to bring up. Educere- To read out, to draw out. The various national and international thinkers and philosophers have also defined the terms education. The importance of education is realized by many philosophers and essay on college library reforms.

According to a born teacher and president if India Dr. The quality of civilization depends not upon the material equipment or political machinery, essay on college library, but on the character of men. The next section deals with concept and definition of library.

The word library is derived from the latin word liber. Clean, attractive, beautiful, knowledge centre is also referred to as library. With the change in time library became cultural centers. In the 21st century, it is treated as an information centre. Every college must have a good library and it occupies a prominent position in the college campus. The library is the heart of every college campus. The importance of college library is inevitable in every teaching and academic programme.

Now-a-days college education is becoming more and more student centre and thereby it essay on college library students to pay a vital and creative role in their education. The college library provides ample opportunity for self-education to the students, essay on college library, apart from supplementing the class lectures. The main aim of education is to build character, increase strength of mind and expand intellect. Mahatma Gandhi, Ravindranath Tagor and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru have also laid the stress on the same objectives.

In order to achieve these objectives, library plays multi-dimensional role. Following discussion elaborates on the role of library. Library plays an important role to educate the literate, dispel their ignorance and to provide opportunities for continuing education to the educated. Another media role played by library is the communicator between the teacher and students.

Library is a media centre with learning environment artfully designed to have stimulating and enriching effects upon students. In formal education system, teaching is supplemented by classroom taking the maximum help of teacher. During the stage of higher education, the focal point of learning should gradually shift from classroom to the library. In the non-formal education, the help of teacher is minimal.

The students by the large have to acquire knowledge through self-study. In non-formal education the main responsibility of supporting the education rests with libraries. Provision of suitable library facilities, leads to divert the great potential energy of young men for reading, constructive thinking and making them disciplined, respectful and senior citizens of the country.

Library centered teaching will promote mutual respect between the teachers and the taught and they will appreciate books and library. Education is a continuing process in which self-education starts at the end of formal education. There are great personalities who on the basis of self-education, attempt highest place of perfection in knowledge. Libraries are appropriate agencies which provide suitable ground for self-education.

According to Mahatma Gandhi the concept of adult education is to make men and women better citizen with the idea of individual development to community development. The term adult education has been changed to social education and therefore library services are now extended to the community even outside the library building.

Academic library also offers effective library services to the community. The successful propagation of research activity needs past information Due to continuous growth of publication researcher is in need of lot of information. Due to multidisciplinary research and seepage of literature into a variety of fields, there is an increasing demand for libraries to support and encourage research.

Library also plays the role by preserving the cultural heritage of the human race. The representative and selective collection of books on spiritual and religious, ideological theme as well as permanent value, essay on college library, may inspire people to have high ideal life and inculcate values in them.

In the changing scenario of higher education and research, the ease of availability of information to the required use has also changed the role of librarian and information professionals from knowledge custodians to knowledge facilitators. Now-a-days the invent of new technologies have provided access to vast volume of information in a competitive spirit. It improves both quality and quantity of higher education, essay on college library. Library can also be characterised as social institution.

Society has decided what library should be in the past and what it should be in future. Even though library is an archival collection, it is essential for cultural survival. Library is not only center of culture it served, but it is also a form of insurance against social disintegration of decay. For the appropriate suggestions and recommendation to create new facilities in libraries so as to meet the demand of increasing number of users, an integrated national plan for library development is needed at national level, essay on college library.

National policy in general can be understood as set of decisions taken by a central government applying laws and regulations to orient harmonious development of the information dissemination service to satisfy information needs of the citizen of nation. In India before and after independence various commissions and committees essay on college library been established to formulate the national policies on libraries, information systems and services, viz; Hunter commission ,l Indian University CommissionSadler commissionThe library CommissionAdvisory CommitteeReview Committee on Library Sciences Kothari CommissionPal CommitteeNational Policy on Library and information systemMalhotra CommitteeCommittee on National Network System for University LibrariesCurriculum Development Committee on Library and Information Science The chairman of this working group was Dr.

The committee proposed to develop a computer network interlinking all special libraries in India, essay on college library. UGC in constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Yash Pal. The main responsibility of this committee was to suggest measure for networking of libraries and information centers in university, deemed university, institution of national importance, UGC information centre, Research and Development institutions and colleges. The committee further constituted a working group to prepare a project report on information and library network INFLIBENT.

The working group also cover the issues regarding output and services, INFLIBENT organization, standardisation for information handling application software requirement, computer hardware, essay on college library, technical specialisation, essay on college library, required manpower and training need, management mechanism, implementation mechanism and cost implication.

Information and Library Network INFLEIBET initiated in with its headquarter at Gujarat University Campus, Ahemadabad. Sinceit is an autonomous inter university centre under University Grants Commission. The aim of this network is to contribute to pooling.

Sorting and optimization of resources, facilities and services of university and college libraries. It is a national level resource sharing centre. This network is very useful to all libraries and their readers. About university libraries, autonomous college libraries and research and development institution libraries are the number of this network.

Besides network services it organises training program to university and college library professionals. More than college library professionals have been trained under this training program. In UGC came into existence as statutory autonomous institutions for the wellbeing of higher education in India. The functional role of UGC is multidimensional. In the present section an attempt has been made to focus the light of role of UGC in academic libraries.

The Central government made the sincere effort for promoting the higher education in India by allotting adequate and appropriate grant through UGC for various important scheme such as; Wheat Loan Education Exchange Programme, Book Banks, Regional Library Centre, Essay on college library Centers, National Information Centers, Area Study Centers, Collection Developments and Library Buildings. The year was observed as a golden period for the development of academic libraries in India.

Essay My College Library

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Essay on Our College Library ( Words) - The College Study

essay on college library

 · Descriptive Essay about Library I had just made a step into the library through the unfamiliar large doors. I made my first step in and looked around I saw many diverse groups of students sitting others studying/5(25)  · 1. Allocating sufficient grant to each college library to purchase sufficient number of books. 2. Each library must have text books in addition to reference and other books. 3. Each college library must be govern by a librarian of minimum lecturer grade and is assisted by a person with degree in library science and some with certificate courses. blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins words short essay on College Library. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: An educational institution without a library is just a house without a kitchen. – When students read in hi classes, their desire for knowledge increases. Desire knowledge is best satisfied when the students enter a room of books. In college libraries, there are rich varieties of journals and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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