Monday, May 31, 2021

Internet or traditional classroom essay

Internet or traditional classroom essay

internet or traditional classroom essay

 · Just remember, not all people are fit for traditional classroom setting. For some people, online class is the best method. As for me, I can finish a textbook in a day or two and concentrate more on topics that I need to learn more. In a physical classroom, you are expected to catch up with blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins  · Internet-based learning should be used for lecturing and traditional classroom learning for the practical part of learning, workshop and labs. Combining both forms of learning (that is; internet-based learning and traditional classroom learning) will not be a bad idea at all that is, if applied carefully. Works Cited [1] Clark, blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Those who feel that learning over the Internet is better argue that it allows students to learn anytime and anywhere they choose. Do you feel education is better provided in traditional classrooms or when offered over the Internet? Write an essay to be read by a classroom teacher in which you persuade the reader that either traditional classroom education or Internet-based learning is better. As you write, remember your essay

Internet vs. Traditional Classrooms

Comparison of traditional classroom learning vs. online E-learning Today, on-line learning becomes a norm of our life. In some fields of knowledge there is a tendency that on-line learning replaces the traditional classroom form. It is rather controversial question which form is better the on-line learning or traditional classroom form, because both of them have some advantages and disadvantages in the learning process. On-line learning came into our life with the appearing of Internet technologies.

It broadens the humans possibilities in learning process but nevertheless has its pros and cons. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers. Here you can order a professional work. Find a price that suits your requirements. There is no strict curriculum in on-line learning. Classroom learning does not give opportunity to choose time individually.

A person has to come to a class at the exact time and be present the fixed time at it. On-line learning is especially great innovation for people with physical disabilities. Studying on-line they have a chance to get good education do not suffering from being physically restricted. Of course, some of them are able to attend classes, but not all of internet or traditional classroom essay. They keep a breast of time being able to study on-line, internet or traditional classroom essay.

But on-line learning gives such people an opportunity to improve their educational level and professional skills. Learning on-line gives a possibility to reiterate the material so many times as one need to master it and then go to the next higher level. Internet or traditional classroom essay economizes time greatly. On the other hand, classroom learning is the traditional form of studying which goes back to Hellenistic times.

Project based learning in classroom is a great departure from that of the conventional classroom learning method. The conventional learning is teacher centric and the students learn internet or traditional classroom essay from their teacher.

On the other hand, the project based learning is student centric while the teacher has only the role of a facilitator. Since those times to the present day the main figure in the class is a teacher, internet or traditional classroom essay. Certainly, learning on-line implies presence of a teacher, internet or traditional classroom essay, but it is not the same, it is not visible.

First of all a teacher in the classroom is internet or traditional classroom essay human being. If one has any questions a teacher answers them at once.

Traditional classroom learning includes individual approach. A teacher chooses the best forms and methods of the material explanation taking into account psychological peculiarities of students. A teacher is able to appraise the results of learning immediately and if necessary, change the methods of teaching.

A teacher can vary the process of learning using different creative techniques which may include using Internet as a part of classroom activities or as one of the teaching methods. So, it means that the process of communication takes place in learning.

Communication is the core element of successful studying. There are different forms of communication and on-line learning includes communication in its written formbut nothing can be compared with the friendly and warm classroom atmosphere.

On-line learning techniques are not able to reproduce such effect. The main disadvantage of on-line learning and the co-element of traditional classroom learning is presence of oral communication, speaking.

Emotional side and person-to-person communication plays an important role here. On-line learning feels lack of emotional side.

sensitive communication, internet or traditional classroom essay, a shared course framework and the establishment of learning communities all prevent classroom disruptions that hinder effective learning p. with the issue of learning management. Teachers are the focal point in this respect. This study would highlight as how to be a large factor in the classroom management strategy. Much in line with the findings of Dinsmore This point is very important because it helps to size up the personal achievements objectively.

So, traditional classroom learning co-exists with the new on-line learning, internet or traditional classroom essay. On-line E-learning widens range of possibilities to get education and make the process of learning easier for those who are not able to study full time. But it does not mean that the traditional classroom study become a thing of the past.

None of the present day high-tech innovations can put into effect or replace the humans factor a teacher, internet or traditional classroom essay. offers letter writing as well as real time communication. The letter writing is in the form email. With email people can send and if a letter was written to that person.

People also do not always have time to write a letter, and so it that learning subject topics by using the Active Worlds environment may take more time than by using the traditional teacher-centered approach. In this study, that of the conventional classroom learning method. The conventional learning is teacher centric and the leadership skills, problem solving skills and communication skills etc are forced to of leaning and by the time they finish the schooling, they and more studies are showing that the different type of communications; in- person, phone, generation is susceptable to a new form of bullying, one that can Learning to read internet or traditional classroom essay expressions and body language is an artform that aids communication Helpguide teaches that learning body language communication skills can create and responding to another person.

In a conflict, the need work, such as studying your stance, watching your A vital form of communication, body language includes chomping at the bit to learn the information. If a teacher's classroom had 28 enthusiastic students it would make for a happy Home Essays Term Papers Dissertations Paper Writing Service. Similar Papers Forms Of Communication engaging primary school students in learning science by using Active Worlds — Study Project Base Learning in the classroom Social Media and in Person Communication Vital Form of Communication The Perfect Classroom Teacher Make Proper All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only.

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Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes - Free Essay Sample

, time: 4:26

Internet – Based Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning. -

internet or traditional classroom essay

*This essay was written in May under the persuasive topic 'Internet Classrooms vs. Traditional Classrooms.' I received a prize for Excellence at the English Essay Course (20/04/08~10/12/08) offered by the Seoul Education Research and Information Institute. I read this prize-winning essay at the finishing ceremony of the Essay Class in The Essay on Project Base Learning in the classroom. Traditional classroom learning includes individual approach. A teacher can vary the process of learning using different creative techniques which may include using Internet as a part of classroom activities or as one of the teaching methods. So, it means that the process of Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Non-traditional students are finding it easier and easier to maintain a job, a family, and pursuing a college career at the same time. This is possible because more and more non-traditional students are receiving an education using distance learning, as opposed to traditional, in-the-classroom teaching. Distance learning is basically taking college level, credit-bearing courses via the Internet. One of the most obvious advantages of distance learning is that it puts the classroom

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