Monday, May 31, 2021

Should minimum wage be raised essay

Should minimum wage be raised essay

should minimum wage be raised essay

 · One thing that I believe is that raising the minimum wage is good for the economy. According to Jones & Farness (), people who earn minimum wage account for approximately seventy per cent of the United States gross domestic product. Raising the minimum wage means people will have more money to spend which helps to propel the economy blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Some may argue minimum wage should be raised, while others believe it will have detrimental effects on our economy if it is raised. Surprising to most people, minimum wage earners make up only a small percent of American workers We Need to Raise Minimum Wage Essay. Words3 Pages. A bill increasing the current minimum wage is greatly needed, and our government officials should demand a raise due to the increase in the cost of living, as it’s no longer realistic. We need higher

We Need to Raise Minimum Wage Essay - Words | Bartleby

Takita Atkins is a mother of two and an employee for the well-known company, Walgreens. She works a grueling schedule, commuting two hours round trip for work every day. Atkins began experiencing severe stomach pains and could not afford to go see a doctor for these issues, nor could she afford to miss any days of work.

The mother of two made the choice to fight through her pains because her family would suffer financially if she took time off from should minimum wage be raised essay job. Atkins is one of many who believes that low-income wage rates should be increased so families like hers do not have to sacrifice in order to make ends meet.

Minimum wage is something almost every working class citizen in America is familiar with. But where did the minimum pay rate originate? Throughout the years minimum wage has seen many rate increases. Some would say is the year that rates were at their peak when compared to inflation-adjusted buying power. Some would argue that the current minimum wage needs to see an increase.

Citizens who believe wages should be raised make points that the current rate is too low to support families and that raising wages could potentially help the economy grow in accordance to new buying power abilities MinimumWage.

Others would argue the opposite; making claims that an increase in wages can harm our economy. Those against raising wages bring up the point that an increase in pay rates could cause companies to cut employee hours, and can even cause a decrease in job availability WageHikes. However, there is a third viewpoint that many Americans are getting on board with. Those who are in favor of raising the minimum wage claim that the current set rate makes it nearly impossible for the average family to meet the basic standards of living even when a household has two full time minimum wage incomes.

Many families struggle to get by financially at this rate MinimumWage, should minimum wage be raised essay. When people make more money they have the ability to spend more, and with increased spending should minimum wage be raised essay the U.

it could potentially help the economy flourish MinimumWage. Those who oppose raising the minimum wage point out that raising wages may have a negative impact on the economy, specifically for those who already live below or right at the poverty line. Rising wages throughout the years have already caused many companies to make employment changes in order to adapt and keep profits up.

Companies and corporations have cut back on hours that an employee is allowed to work and on the number of laborers they employ in attempts to lessen payouts. The National Bureau of Economic Research teamed up with The University of Washington to conduct a study on the impact of increasing wages.

Every state within the U. operates on a different economic level, and when comparing certain places around the U.

such as New York, Alabama or Washington, there is a vast difference in the cost of living Sewell and Kessler. Employers in states that consist mostly of rural communities cannot afford to pay out the same wages as primarily urban ones like New York that have many larger profit cities. Forcing rural states to pay their workers the same as a state that operates on a higher economic level could cause many businesses to go under which in turn would increase the unemployment rate in that area SeattleWins.

Although many states have made the choice to set their wages higher than that of the federal standard, the federal minimum wage has not seen an increase in the past 9 years. Proposals have been made in recent years in an attempt to move lawmakers to increase wages but nothing has been legally finalized at present MinimumWage. Those opposed to the change attempt to educate people about the dangers of drastic wage hikes SeattleWins.

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The Minimum Wage Debate Explained

, time: 14:03

Minimum Wage Should Be Increased - Free Essay Example |

should minimum wage be raised essay

Some may argue minimum wage should be raised, while others believe it will have detrimental effects on our economy if it is raised. Surprising to most people, minimum wage earners make up only a small percent of American workers Essay on The Minimum Wage Should be Raised Words6 Pages Minimum wages go all the way back to , during the great depression, when the stock market crash and bank loan were failing. Families need income of some type, were they wanted to make it fair were individual could get pay the same without a college degree  · Citizens who believe wages should be raised make points that the current rate is too low to support families and that raising wages could potentially help the economy grow in accordance to new buying power abilities (MinimumWage). Others would argue the opposite; making claims that an increase in wages can harm our economy/5(23)

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